Impact Stories from grateful Nova Learners

Olubayo Samuel is a multi-talented software engineer and entrepreneur who is passionate about capacity building amongst African youths.

Nova University

She is Grateful Olubayosam gave her the push to change her life

nova university

another life impacted by Olubayo Samuel

Nova University

Ghanaian guy shares his experience with Bigsam and Nova University

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another life impacted by Olubayo Samuel

Nova University

A Nova University Student from Russia

nova university

another life impacted by Olubayo Samuel

Nova University

Corp member from Portharcourt – “Bigsam, what you did was really Impactful to me”

nova university

another life impacted by Olubayo Samuel

Nova University Made me a millionaire in less than 2 months

nova university

another life impacted by Olubayo Samuel

Nova University

Francis Made over 300K before the ending of the free class

nova university

another life impacted by Olubayo Samuel